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Live Local Initiative
What is the "Live Local Initiative"?
This is an initiative that encourages area residents to be aware of the benefits of re-investing local dollars in Sublette County. When one considers the cost and environmental impacts of playing and buying outside Sublette County, the reasons to keep our money here multiply exponentially.
The purpose of the “Live Local” initiative is to help our communities make the connection between a healthy, diversified local economy and how we as consumers can help to make that a reality.
Supporting local businesses benefits local charities, non-profits, and athletics.

Top 3 reasons to Live Local:
Stay Healthy
When you support local businesses you are contributing to the Sublette County sales tax base. This money is used to support the local needs of our communities and our future.
Support Local Non-Profits & Community-Based Organizations
Our local governments and our business communities reinvest by financially supporting local non-profit organizations, athletics, and community-based volunteer groups. These groups then give directly back to our community.
Invest in Sublette's Future
By patronizing local businesses, you are helping sustain your friends' and neighbors' jobs. The added benefit of this is the ability to conduct business with people that are invested in this community and are a part of our story and the overall bigger picture.
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